Concepcion Chile Temple
Concepcion, Chile
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Concepcion, Chile
23,095 sf

Located in the Biobío or VIII Region of Chile, the temple sits along the banks of the Biobío River, which descends from the Andes Mountains westward into the Pacific Ocean. As in many of the significant 19th-century buildings of Chile, the design of the Concepcion Chile Temple is neoclassical with subtle French detailing. The temple is capped with a dome, as are most Chilean religious buildings during this period. Historic buildings in Santiago and Concepcion both utilized cementitious stucco in their façades to simulate limestone. In lieu of stucco, the temple uses pre-cast concrete to achieve the same visual effect while requiring less maintenance. Historically appropriate slate tile roofing is used on both the housing and the temple. The Biobío Region of Chile sees an alarming amount of seismic activity with massive earthquakes ranging from 7.8 to 8.8 striking every 20-30 years. This required significant attention during the design process. Due to the major seismic considerations, a state-of-the-art base isolation system was incorporated into the temple building.
